There was a smash as the pole of a carriage crashed into the cart that the man on horseback stopped. My brother looked up, and the man with the gold twisted his head round and bit the wrist that held his collar.
There was a concussion, and the black horse came staggering sideways, and the carthorse pushed beside it.
A hoof missed my brother’s foot by a hair’s breadth. He released his grip on the fallen man and jumped back. He saw anger change to terror on the face of the poor wretch on the ground, and in a moment he was hidden and my brother was borne backward and carried past the entrance of the lane, and had to fight hard in the torrent to recover it.
He saw Miss Elphinstone covering her eyes, and a little child, with all a child’s want of sympathetic imagination, staring with dilated eyes at a dusty something that lay black and still, ground and crushed under the rolling wheels. «Let us go back!» he shouted, and began turning the pony round. «We cannot cross this—hell,» he said and they went back a hundred yards the way they had come, until the fighting crowd was hidden. As they passed the bend in the lane my brother saw the face of the dying man in the ditch under the privet, deadly white and drawn, and shining with perspiration. The two women sat silent, crouching in their seat and shivering.
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r conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam sed libero. Nunc sollicitudin diam ac dui. Nunc faucibus auctor tortor. Quisque ipsum sem, hendrerit accumsan, congue ut, porttitor ut, turpis. Sed sollicitudin, leo et condimentum tempus, massa augue dictum est, iaculis posuere nulla felis quis tortor. Pellentesque ac nisl vitae nunc porta pretium. Praesent id erat. Cras leo. Quisque eleifend metus nec lorem.
Sed sed quam non mauris aliquam rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae
t. Phasellus commodo euismod mauris. Sed facilis
ut, porttitor ut, turpis. Sed sollicitudin, leo et condimentum tempus, massa augue dictum est, iaculis posuere nulla felis quis tortor. Pellentesque ac nisl vitae nunc porta pretium. Praesent id erat. Cras leo. Quisque eleifend metus nec lorem.
Sed sed quam non mauris aliquam rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quam turpis, dignissim et, consequat in, porttitor eget, orci. Aenean pretium, orci vel ultrices dapibus, ipsum metus lobortis ante, ac tincidunt urna erat et tortor. Mauris nisl eros, dapibus et, tristique eget, dignissim non, lacus. Fusce aliquam, turpis quis varius blandit, purus elit sollicitudin leo, vitae posuere odio odio id dui. Fusce adipiscing. Maecenas a enim eu sem accumsan laoreet. Donec sem eros, egestas ornare, fermentum quis, malesuada sed, risus. Sed eleifend faucibus magna. Fusce malesuada ante eget massa. Donec consectetur dolor vitae erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
risus euismod viverra. Pellentesque eleifend risus sit amet diam. Mauris pharetra ornare tellus. Pellentesque ante elit, vestibulum eget, laoreet dictum, pulvinar vitae, velit. Mauris vel augue quis enim ornare imperdiet.
Phasellus sed tellus eget lacus molestie laoreet. Phasellus commodo euismod mauris. Sed facilisis nulla a est. Proin sit a
ravida dui neque pharetra risus. Etiam a felis. Fusce sed dolor. Mauris lectus mi, fringilla tempor, varius sit amet, placerat a, velit. Suspendisse justo. In vehicula urna fringilla neque. Suspendisse cursus, magna a imperdiet pellentesque, lacus velit dignissim urna, vel suscipit massa enim ac nunc. Proin porta aliquet eros. Curabitur ut erat. Quisque vitae tortor.
Duis imperdiet, mi eget euismod fermentum, odio nisl posuere quam, sit amet tristique urna diam at lacus. Duis cong
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